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Major Case/Unsolved Homicides - 2006

Click on any name below for details on a particular case and download the PDF flyer.

Adams, Juma - December 6, 2006, Unit block of 46th Pl., NE

Allen, Preston - March 24, 2006, 400 block of Quackenbos St., NW
Note: Double Homicide; see also Kristopher Gilmore

Alisha, Saeed - September 11, 2006, 1772 Lyman Pl., NE

Anderson, Ronald - July 1, 2006, 2000 block of Maryland Ave., NE

Arias, Jehu - May 27, 2006, 1322 Half Street, SW

Bailey, Daniel - July 18, 2006, 3600 block of Jay Street., NE

Bolden, Kevin - December 31, 2006, 5200 block of Fitch Street, SE

Blyther, Chartate - January 18, 2006, 615 Edgewood St., NE

Borras, DeAngelo - June 14, 2006, 120 Irvington St., NE

Burgess, Adrian - November 18, 2006, Unit Block of 15th St., NE

Burton, James - November 2, 2006, Unit Block of Quincy St., NW

Byrd, Josheryl - January 26, 2006, 3300 block of Minnesota Avenue, SE

Campbell, Doug - February 4, 2006, 1200 North Capitol St., NW

Campbell, Ivory - February 26, 2006, 240 37th St., SE

Carter, Verone - May 24, 2006, 3600 block of Eastern Ave., NE

Crowder, Chris - July 8, 2006, 600 block of N St., NW

Cunningham, Dontay - June 10, 2006, 1300 block of Morris Rd., SE

Darnaby, Maruice "Moe" - July 1, 2006, 2007 1st St., NW

Davis, Darrin - October 7, 2006, 5317 E Street, SE

Davis, Nathaniel - May 21, 2006; Unit bock of T Street, NE

Demonia, Willie - January 12, 2006, 800 block of Barnaby St., SE

Dorsey, Michael - July 12, 2006, 1929 Galludet St., NE

Downing, William Jr. - September 25, 2006, 1900 block of 17th St., SE

Dyson, Darius - May 24, 2006, 1265 Simms Pl., NE

Evans, Charlie - August 27, 2006, 4300 block of First St., NE

Edley, Eric - June 13, 2006, 2400 block of Pomeroy Rd., SE

Ficarra, Marc - January 21, 2006, 2300 block of 18th St., NW

Fisher, Carlton - October 1, 2006, 1118 21st St., NE

Flecher, James Jr. - November 30, 2006, 2351 16th St., SE

Ford, Darnell - January 30, 2006, 4265 4th St., SE

Fuller, David - August 19, 2006, 7800 block of 14th St., NW

Fye, Michael - September 1, 2006, 5000 block of Rock Creek Church Rd., NE

Gilmore, Kristopher - March 24, 2006, 400 block of Quackenbos St., NW
Note: Double Homicide; see also Preston Allen

Goldsberry, Anthony - January 27, 2006, 4500 block of Quarles St., NE

Grey, Cynthia - August 24, 2006, 4600 block of Benning Rd., SE

Gross, Antwan - October 24, 2006, 2716 Wade Rd., SE

Haynes, Marcus - Shooting: March 20, 1994/Death: December 6, 2006; Simms Place, NE

Hill, Darryl - July 5, 2006, 1400 block of Duncan St., NE

Holt, Davon - July 2, 2006, 200 block of L St., SW
Note: Double Homicide; see also Michael Lucas

Holloway, Eric - October 2, 2006, 2842 Robinson Pl., NW

Howard, David - February 4, 2006, 2410 3rd St., NE

Hursey, Angelo - January 13, 2006, 2921 Knox Pl., SE

Jackson, John - July 7, 2006, 1800 block of P St., SE

Jenkins, Antonio - December 22, 2006, 700 block of 16h St., NE

Johnson, Bobby - September 26, 2006, 2000 block of Alabama Ave., SE

Johnson, Charles - September 21, 2006, 4095 Minnesota Ave., NE

Marcus Johnson  - May 1, 2006; 1400 block of 1st St., NW

Jones, Francois - January 20, 2006, 400 block Park Rd., NW

Jones, Kimberly - July 27, 2006, 343 Raleigh St., SE

Jones, Walter T. - September 9, 2006, 2200 block of E Street, SE

Jordon, Shante Dion - July 11, 2006, Rear of 523 50th Pl., NE

Delonta Kelsey - April 1, 2006, Georgia Ave. & Bryant St., NE

Maurice Kent - October 20, 2006, 1200 block of Irving St., NW

Boyd King - November 11, 2006, 1100 block of 21st Pl., NE

Samuel King - June 11, 2006, 2905 30th St., SE

Michael Lucas - July 2, 2006, 200 block of L St., SW
Note: Double Homicide; see also Davon Holt

John Lucas - August 9, 2006, 4333 4th St., SE

Delante McCray - January 30, 2006, 500 block of Lamont St., NW

Daon Middleton - May 30, 2006, Northbound I-295 near Exit 2

Karl Miller - November 20, 2006, 400 block of W St., NW

Tarran Miller - Incident: August 12, 2006, Death: August 18, 2006; 1400 block of Fairmont St., NW

Sandra Mitchell - July 10, 2006, 4373 Dubois Pl., SE

Robert Mitchner Jr. - November 15, 2006, Rear of 705 24th St., NE

Ronald Morton - March 17, 2006, 1700 block of 8th St., NW

Reimond Nate - May 30, 2006, 3011 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE

Matheno Nichols - November 3, 2006, 4013 Gault Pl., NE

Tamarki Oates - May 17, 2006, 2647 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., SE

Andrew Pugh - December 27, 2006, 2600 block of Birney Pl., SE

Andre "Buckethead" Pee - September 24, 2006, 3400 block of 13th Pl., SE
Note: Double Homicide; see also Curtis Watkins

David Reed - February 28, 2006; 4200 block of Barker Lane, SE

Domingo Reyes - March 19, 2006, 1300 block of Randolph, NW

Raymond Rich - December 27, 2006, 1200 block of Crittenden St., NW

Baldwin Robertson Jr. - February 21, 2006, 100 41st St., NE (Benning Elementary School)

Julian Robin - December 30, 2006, 21st & Savannah Ter., SE

Thomas Simms - May 11, 2006, 1225 Valley Ave., SE

Sean Stevens - August 31, 2006, 3826 2nd St., SE

Harold Taylor - August 5, 2006, 2339 Pitts Pl., SE

Ronald Taylor - February 9, 2006, 1368 Meridian Pl., NW

Antonio Thrower - April 27, 2006, 10th & V Streets, NW

Damien Turner - February 28, 2006, 18th Street & Independence Ave., SE

Unidentified Victim - March 24, 2006, 1300 block of 1st St., NE

Unidentified Victim - October 8, 2006 (date body was found), 4400 block of Texas Ave., SE

Eric Walker - May 31, 2006, 700 block of Columbia Rd., NW

Preston Walker - October 3, 2006, 1925 M St., NE

Gregory Washington - February 20, 2006, 300 block of W St., NW

Ronald Washington - January 19, 2006, 1420 Saratoga Ave., NE

Damon Ward -  (English and Amharic flyers) -February 26, 2006, 1208 U Street, NW

Bruce Warren - February 15, 2006, 300 block of Livingston Terrace, SE

Curtis Watkins - September 24, 2006, 3400 block of 13th Pl., SE
Note: Double Homicide; see also Andre Pee

David Watkins - December 24, 2006, 2000 block of 3rd St., NE

Eddie Watkins Jr. - October 10, 2006, In front of 3124 10th St., NE

Francis Watkins - July 1, 2006, 4119 Gault Pl., NE

Jamel Wilder - December 4, 2006, 640 Park Rd., NW (Park Morton Housing Complex)

Kurt Williams - June 10, 2006, Taft Bridge (Connecticut Avenue, NW over Rock Creek)

Howard Wilson, III - October 29, 2006, 1600 block of 16th St., NE

Wone, Robert - August 2, 2006; 1509 Swann St., NW

James Michael Wright Jr. - August 10, 2006; 1800 block of Wiltburg Pl., NW