Aside from 911, none of the hotlines listed below should be considered an emergency number. If you witness a crime in progress or have an emergency that requires the police, please call 911. For non-emergency inquiries or requests, please use the MPD Telephone Directory to locate the contact number.
MPD Hotlines
Hotline | Descriptor |
911 Police Services Dial: 911 |
About 911 |
311 City Services and Police Non-Emergencies Dial: 311 |
Anonymous Tip Line (202) 727-9099 |
This number is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers may request to remain anonymous. |
Anonymously TEXT the MPD Text: 50411 |
Give 5-0 the 411 with the new Text Tip Line: 50411. Text messages are monitored by members of the department 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Tips are then analyzed and passed on to the appropriate unit or division for follow-up. Because the tip line is anonymous, the sender will not receive a response to the original message. Message and data rates may apply. |
Child Abuse Hotline (202) 671-7233 |
(202) 671-SAFE if calling from a land line |
Command Information Center (202) 727-9099 |
24-Hour Access to the Metropolitan Police Department |
Corruption Hotline (800) 298-4006 |
Crime Solvers Tip Line (800) 673-2777 |
More about Crime Solvers |
Hate Crimes Hotline (202) 727-0500 |
More about Hate Crimes |
Firearm Tip Reward Program (202) 727-9099 |
Report an illegal firearm and get a reward. Learn more about the Firearm Tip Reward Programs |
Gun Recovery Unit Task Force (202) 698-5662 |
Public Information Office (202) 727-4383 |
Police District Main Desk and TTY Phone Numbers
- First District
101 M Street, SW
Phone: (202) 698-0555
TTY: (202) 727-8503
- Second District
3320 Idaho Avenue, NW
Phone: (202) 715-7300
TTY: (202) 364-3961
- Third District
1620 V Street, NW
Phone: (202) 673-6815
TTY: (202) 518-0008
- Fourth District
6001 Georgia Avenue, NW
Phone: (202) 715-7400
TTY: (202) 722-1791
- Fifth District
1805 Bladensburg Road, NE
Phone: (202) 698-0150
TTY: (202) 727-8727
- Sixth District
5002 Hayes Street, NE
Phone: (202) 698-0880
TTY: (202) 398-5397
- Seventh District
2455 Alabama Avenue, SE
Phone: (202) 698-1500
TTY: (202) 889-3574
MPD Specialized Unit Phone Numbers
- Youth and Family Services Division
5002 Hayes Street, NE
Phone: (202) 576-6768
TTY: (202) 526-2572
- Special Liaison Branch
- Asian Liaison Unit: (202) 724-8009
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing Liaison Unit: (202) 553-7874
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Liaison Unit: (202) 727-5427
- Latino Liaison Unit: (202) 673-4445
- Evidence Control Division
Contact TTY: