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CCTV - Policies and Procedures

The Metropolitan Police Department’s use of CCTV cameras is governed by DC Municipal Regulations Title 24, Chapter25, and the Department’s General Order, GO-603-07

Highlights of CCTV system policies and procedures include the following:

  • An official of the rank of sergeant, civilian equivalent, or above is present and supervises all live monitoring of CCTV in MPD facilities. All system operators must certify that they understand the policies and procedures governing CCTV usage.
  • Generally, video recordings are maintained by the MPDC for a maximum of 90 calendar days before being purged unless they are needed for a criminal or administrative investigation. Video is retained based on incident type and relevant statutes of limitation.
  • CCTV cameras are not equipped with audio overhear capabilities, and the MPD will not use any type of audio system in conjunction with the CCTV network unless appropriate court orders are obtained.
  • Operators of the CCTV will not target or track individuals arbitrarily or based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or other classifications protected by law.
  • The CCTV system is used to observe locations that are in public view where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy. CCTV cameras will not focus on hand bills, flyers or other materials distributed or carried pursuant to the First Amendment.
  • Unauthorized use or misuse of the CCTV system will result in disciplinary action.
  • The location of cameras in the CCTV system is public information. Signs are posted indicating where the permanent cameras are deployed, and they are listed on the MPD website.