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MPD Open Government Material

The District is committed to a transparent, open form of government. District agency websites are required to make certain records available online to the public, if those records exist. In cases where these records exist but are not yet available online, agencies are working to provide them as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the FOIA Officer.

The Metropolitan Police Department, and all District of Columbia Government agencies, are governed by District of Columbia Official Code § 2-531 et seq. Requesting parties are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the content of the law. 

Under District of Columbia Official Code § 2-536, certain information is made available to the public via the internet, including the list and salaries of current employees (PDF) and the policies and procedures that govern the agency’s operations. The MPD has gathered many of its commonly-requested documents in one place -- the MPD Public Documents Reading Room. To view these documents click on the link below.

Furthermore, requesting parties are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the exemptions provided for in District of Columbia Official Code § 2-534. Specifically, FOIA requests for personal information about members, to include disciplinary records, and information about ongoing investigations, are exempt from public disclosure. Requesting parties that are unsure if their request falls into one of the exempt categories are encouraged to call the FOIA Officer for clarification prior to formally submitting their request.