Inspector Ashley Rosenthal currently serves as the Director of the Testing and Assessment Branch (TAB). The TAB administers applicant testing for police and reserve officer hiring. TAB is responsible for the development and administration of internal selections processes for sworn members. TAB also conducts job analyses and research to adapt/customize best practices for selection, testing and assessment within MPD. Inspector Rosenthal was promoted to this position by Chief Robert J. Contee III, on June 23, 2022.
Inspector Rosenthal began her career with the Metropolitan Police Department in November 1996, when she graduated from the Academy and was assigned to the Third Police District. When she was promoted to the rank of sergeant in September 2000, she served as a supervisor for the field training program and probationary review board in addition to a patrol sergeant in the Seventh District. In December of 2005, she was reassigned to the Metropolitan Police Academy as a Recruit Class Sergeant.
In November 2007, Inspector Rosenthal was promoted to lieutenant and returned to the Seventh District where she served as Police Service Area patrol lieutenant for PSAs 705 and 706. She returned to the Academy as the lieutenant for both continuing studies and recruit training from December 2010 until February 2014. She went on to serve as Police Service Area patrol lieutenant for PSAs 303, 405, and 506. During her time as lieutenant in the Third, Fourth and Fifth Districts, she was responsible for the supervision of her assigned PSAs, Adam’s Morgan Nightlife Area, Body Worn Camera implementation and program coordinator, and Electronic Control Device coordinator. She was assigned to Joint Strategic and Tactical Analysis Command Center in November 2017 as the midnight Watch Commander until January 2019 when she was promoted to the rank of captain. Inspector Rosenthal served as the Sector III patrol captain at the Second District. In May of 2019, she served as the Summer Crime Initiative captain for the Fifth District, and remained as the administrative, domestic violence and traffic captain, as well as the Sector III patrol captain for the Fifth District.
In addition to her patrol experiences as a captain, Rosenthal was assigned as the Special Investigations Branch of the Criminal Investigations Division, in May 2020. In this role she served as the unit commander for multiple units including the Sexual Assault Unit, Civil Protection Order Unit, Paternity Warrant Unit, Domestic Violence Unit, Financial and Cyber Crime Unit, Bank Robbery and Kidnapping Unit, Witness Protection Unit, Fugitive Unit, Sex Offender and Gun Offender Registry Units, and the Pawn Unit. She also functioned as the Department Representative for the Domestic Violence Crisis and Sexual Assault Response Teams and the DV Fatality Review Board. Inspector Rosenthal spent a year working with the United Nations humanitarian efforts, training police officers during the United Nations Mission in Kosovo.
Inspector Rosenthal has received numerous recognitions during her career, including being honored as Inspector of the Year in 2023, Bureau Employee of the Year for the Professional Development Bureau in 2012 and PSA Crime Reduction Award in 2010. Inspector Rosenthal is a certified instructor and has served as a subject matter expert for multiple years.