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Notice to Dispose of Property

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Property Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Department hereby gives notice of the Property Clerk's custody of the following Found, Abandoned and Safekeeping Property and his/her intention to sell or otherwise dispose of such property in accordance with the District of Columbia Code.

The property in this ad consist of Found, Abandoned and Safekeeping Property.  The property can be viewed online and at the MPD's Evidence Control Branch:

Metropolitan Police Department
Evidence Control Branch
17 DC Village Lane, SW
Washington, DC 20032

Any person or entity having a right of claim to any item of property listed above must appear in person at the Evidence Control Branch; 17 DC Village LN, S.W, Washington, D.C. 20032, to claim the listed property.  Positive Proof of Ownership is required in order to claim the property listed above.  To confirm ownership and availability call (202) 727-3230.

The Property Clerk of the Metropolitan Police Department hereby gives notice of the Property Clerk's custody of the following Found, Abandoned and Safekeeping Property and his/her intention to sell or otherwise dispose of such property in accordance with the District of Columbia Code.

The attached PDF documents list items that are pending disposal.