GO-100.11 |
4/25/2006 |
Medical Services
GO-100.12 |
1/9/1998 |
Optional Sick Leave |
GO 100.14 |
7/26/2018 |
Compliance with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act
GO-100.21 |
1/9/1998 |
Physical Examinations |
GO-100.23 |
9/20/1982 |
Pre-Five Year Tenure Physical Examination |
GO-100.24 |
9/11/2015 |
Drug Screening Program |
GO-100.25 |
1/9/1998 |
Random Drug Screening Program |
6/3/2016 |
Directives System
GO-101.02 |
7/19/2017 |
Establishment of the Citizen Volunteer Corps |
GO-101.03 |
10/18/2017 |
Organization, Authority and Rules of the MPD Reserve Corps
Related Order: EO-23-004
Retired Reserve Corps Members- Carrying Concealed Firearms
GO-101.04 |
1/29/2004 |
Member Critical Injury or Line of Duty Death Notifications |
GO-101.05 |
9/14/2023 |
Ceremonial Honor Guard |
GO-101.08 |
5/14/2021 |
Command Succession to Acting Chief of Police |
GO-101.09 |
7/28/2011 |
Duties and Responsibilities of Sworn Officials
GO-101.10 |
3/10/2022 |
Organization of the Metropolitan Police Department |
GO-101.12 |
3/13/2012 |
Senior Police Officers
GO-110.11 |
11/9/2023 |
Uniform, Equipment, and Appearance Standard
GO-120.13 |
5/25/2004 |
Employee Indebtedness |
GO-120-20 |
7/23/2024 |
Administrative Investigations |
GO-120.21 |
11/27/2022 |
Sworn Employee Discipline
GO-120.22 |
4/1/1977 |
Procedures for Handling Instances of Tardiness |
GO-120.24 |
5/2/2010 |
Revocation/Restoration of Police Powers
GO-120.25 |
11/27/2022 |
Office of Police Complaints Investigation
GO-120.28 |
2/1/2019 |
Personnel Performance Management System (PPMS) and the Supervisory Support Program (SSP) |
GO-201.01 |
9/15/2014 |
Non Uniformed Assignments |
GO-201.03 |
8/10/1998 |
Grievance Procedures |
GO-201.04 |
11/21/1980 |
Special Assignment Positions |
GO-201.05 |
3/1/2001 |
Awards Policy
GO-201.06 |
9/5/2003 |
Sworn Personnel Service and Longevity Step Increases
GO-201.07 |
2/27/2018 |
Police Officer Probationary Period |
GO-201.08 |
5/22/2009 |
Outside Training
GO-201.09 |
7/9/2024 |
Equal Employment Opportunity
GO-201.10 |
8/17/2023 |
Recruiting Referral Program |
GO-201.11 |
11/23/1993 |
Transfers and Changes in Assignments |
GO-201.12 |
6/14/2011 |
Legal Counsel for Employees |
GO-201.13 |
2/27/2006 |
Photographing and Fingerprinting Employees of the Department |
GO-201.15 |
12/4/1977 |
Retirement Program |
GO-201.17 |
4/16/2004 |
Outside Employment
GO-201.18 |
11/23/1993 |
Detail Assignments |
GO-201.19 |
11/23/2011 |
Employee Personnel Records |
GO-201.20 |
12/30/2021 |
Performance Management and Development
GO-201.21 |
1/6/2005 |
Limitations on Work Hours
GO-201.22 |
3/5/2024 |
Telework and Alternative Work Schedules |
GO-201.23 |
12/20/2006 |
Station Clerk Duties |
GO-201.25 |
11/9/2023 |
Patrol Officer First Class |
GO-201.26 |
4/6/2011 |
Code of Conduct
GO-201.27 |
5/3/2017 |
The Master Patrol Officer Program
GO-201.28 |
5/26/2023 |
Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program (MPEAP) |
GO-201.29 |
03/19/2008 |
Police Officer Initial Training Program |
GO-201.30 |
7/27/2001 |
Scheduling and Attendance of In-Service Training |
GO-201.31 |
5/6/2001 |
Policing for Prevention: Use of High Visibility Patrol Tactics |
GO-201.33 |
8/19/2016 |
Field Training Program
GO-203.01 |
8/19/2008 |
Use of the Twenty-Four Hour Time System and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 |
GO-203.02 |
10/7/2010 |
Displaying and Handling of the United States Flag |
GO-204.01 |
4/13/2001 |
Media |
GO-204.02 |
9/17/1991 |
Police Sponsored Community Programs and Services |
GO-204.04 |
3/28/2024 |
Ride-Along Program
GO-204.05 |
11/16/2010 |
Freedom of Information |
GO-204.06 |
6/13/2003 |
Victim/Witness Services |
GO-205.02 |
12/9/1991 |
Forms Management and Printing Control Programs |
GO-205.03 |
7/9/1978 |
Records Retention and Disposition |
GO-206.01 |
11/5/1978 |
Time and Attendance
GO-206.02 |
8/5/2019 |
Granting Advanced Annual or Sick Leave or Leave without Pay |
GO-207.01 |
4/30/1992 |
Clearance Procedures |
GO-301.01 |
12/28/1979 |
Vehicle Operation and Maintenance
GO-301.02 |
10/15/2021 |
Patrol Special Mission Units |
GO-301.03 |
7/20/2023 |
Vehicular Pursuits
GO-301.04 |
9/16/2010 |
Motor Vehicle Take Home Program
GO-301.05 |
12/15/2006 |
Off-Duty Use of Government-Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles
GO-301.07 |
9/13/2010 |
Use of Privately Owned Vehicles for Official Metropolitan Police Department Business |
GO-301.09 |
11/12/2014 |
Police Bikes
GO-301.10 |
10/27/1980 |
Motorscooters |
GO-301.11 |
7/9/2008 |
Operation and Use of Police Segways |
GO-302.01 |
2/28/2023 |
Calls for Police Service
GO-302.02 |
10/26/2012 |
Radio Broadcasts and Look-Outs |
GO-302.03 |
7/13/2022 |
Social Media |
GO-302.05 |
10/27/1980 |
Radio Communications |
GO-302.06 |
4/30/1992 |
The Washington Area Law Enforcement System (WALES)
GO-302.07 |
10/30/2023 |
BOLO Application Use and Management |
GO-302.08 |
11/27/2013 |
Metropolitan Police Department Wide Area Network (MPDNet)
GO-302.09 |
3/21/2012 |
Use and Operation of Mobile Data Computers |
GO-302.10 |
2/21/2007 |
Mobile Device Security |
GO-302.11 |
10/17/2013 |
Telecommunications Devices |
GO-302.12 |
3/28/2014 |
CJIS Security |
GO-302.13 |
3/12/2024 |
Body-Worn Camera Program
GO-303.01 |
9/19/2023 |
Traffic Enforcement
GO-303.03 |
6/20/2019 |
Tow Crane Operation and Enforcement
GO-303.07 |
10/23/2020 |
Police Arrangements for Election Day and Early Voting |
GO-303.09 |
10/28/2020 |
License Plate Reader Program |
GO-304.01 |
10/11/1987 |
Operation and Management of Criminal Investigations
GO-304.02 |
6/4/2018 |
Welfare Checks |
GO-304.03 |
11/1/2012 |
Missing Person Report |
GO-304.04 |
7/12/2011 |
Interception of Wire and Oral Communications
GO-304.05 |
6/12/2003 |
Confidential Funds |
GO-304.06 |
2/16/2016 |
Adult Sexual Assault Investigations
GO-304.07 |
4/18/2013 |
Procedures for Obtaining Pretrial Eyewitness Identification
GO-304.08 |
8/28/2023 |
Crime Scene Response and Evidence Collection
GO-304.09 |
5/18/2004 |
Truth Verification Devices |
GO-304.10 |
Field Contacts, Stops, and Protective Pat Downs
GO-304.11 |
3/28/2024 |
Intrafamily Offense
GO-304.12 |
8/16/2010 |
Confidential Sources, Confidential Informants, and Cooperating Witnesses |
GO-304.13 |
4/30/2004 |
The Use of Photographs in Criminal Investigations |
GO-304.14 |
11/27/2013 |
Interaction with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Person
GO-304.16 |
2/2/2006 |
Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations |
GO-304.17 |
7/18/2008 |
Bait Car Program |
GO-304.18 |
10/14/2020 |
Language Access Program
GO-304.19 |
7/19/2012 |
Video Recording, Photographing, and Audio Recording of Metropolitan Police Department Members by the Public |
GO-304.20 |
3/12/2024 |
Civil Protection Orders and Criminal Restraining Orders |
GO-305.01 |
9/1/2023 |
Interacting with Juveniles
GO-305.02 |
9/11/2020 |
Youth Bullying Prevention |
GO-306.01 |
11/30/2023 |
Canine Program |
GO-307.01 |
6/15/2015 |
Handling Drug Complaints and Investigations
GO-307.02 |
11/24/2021 |
Naloxone Program |
GO-307.03 |
7/13/2022 |
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) |
GO-307.04 |
3/12/2024 |
Drug Free Zones |
GO-308.02 |
6/2/1980 |
Nuisances, Incidentals, Defects and PD Form 61D (Violation Citation)
GO-308.04 |
2/9/2015 |
Interacting with Mental Health Consumers
GO-308.07 |
9/28/1993 |
Private Security |
GO-308.12 |
8/6/2013 |
Diplomats, Foreign Nationals and Resident Aliens |
7/23/1979 |
Casual Clothes Units |
GO-308.14 |
10/31/2011 |
Interactions with Homeless Persons |
GO-308.15 |
Reimbursable Details for ABC Establishments |
GO-309.03 |
4/4/2006 |
Forcible Entries/Property Damage Caused by MPD Police Action |
GO-309.05 |
3/2/2007 |
Handling Kidnapping/Extortion Cases |
GO-309.06 |
11/18/2010 |
Child Abuse and Neglect
GO-310.01 |
3/7/2003 |
U.S. Capitol Police |
GO-310.03 |
12/1/1971 |
Executive Protective Service |
GO-310.04 |
8/30/2002 |
Mutual Aid Agreement |
GO-310.06 |
Metro Transit Police |
GO-310.07 |
1/9/1998 |
Metropolitan Police Department's Functional Relationship with the District of Columbia Housing Authority Police Department |
GO-310.08 |
5/2/2023 |
School-Based Incidents and Offenses
GO-401.01 |
7/19/2012 |
Field Reporting System
GO-401.02 |
10/31/2019 |
Crash Review Board CRB
GO-401.03 |
1/14/15 |
Traffic Crash Reports |
GO-401.04 |
12/1/1971 |
Reporting Violations of the ABC Regulations and General License Law |
GO-401.07 |
9/3/2004 |
Animal Complaints and Reporting Animal Bitings |
GO-401.08 |
1/24/2020 |
Next of Kin Notifications |
GO-401.10 |
7/22/2022 |
Telephone Reporting Unit Walk in Reporting System |
GO-401.11 |
2/10/2012 |
Citizen Online Reporting System |
GO-404.01 |
2/6/2004 |
Deposits with the DC Treasurer |
GO-404.02 |
3/13/2012 |
Processing Reimbursable Details |
GO-404.06 |
7/31/2002 |
Roll Call Training |
GO-501.02 |
1/5/2015 |
Handling Interactions with Transgender Individuals |
GO-501.03 |
11/3/2023 |
District of Columbia Stabilization Center |
GO-501.04 |
1/30/2007 |
Conducting Police Business in Federal Government Buildings |
GO-501.05 |
7/15/2004 |
Arrests of Armed Forces Personnel |
GO-501.07 |
12/1/1971 |
Arrest Procedures by Members of Departments Other than the Metropolitan Police Department |
GO-501.08 |
8/15/2005 |
Arrest of Escapees From the D.C. Department of Corrections |
GO-502.01 |
3/28/2014 |
Transportation of Prisoners
GO-502.02 |
8/26/2015 |
Handling Cases Involving Persons Suspected of "Driving While Intoxicated (PerSe)" or "Operating While Under the Influence" |
GO-502.04 |
4/24/2018 |
Pre-Arrest Diversion Pilot Program
GO-502.05 |
11/16/2021 |
Detention Journal
GO-502.06 |
3/29/2007 |
Citation Release Program
GO-502.07 |
4/1/2014 |
Medical Treatment and Hospitalization of Prisoners
GO-503.03 |
12/19/2005 |
List of Bond and Collateral Applicable in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia
GO-503.04 |
3/7/1986 |
Procedures and Responsibilities for the Acceptance of Collateral and Cash Bond |
GO-601.01 |
4/30/1992 |
Recording, Handling and Disposition of Property Coming into the Custody of the Department
GO-601.02 |
2/3/2004 |
Preservation of Potentially Discoverable Material |
GO-601.03 |
7/9/2013 |
Handling and Accounting for Seized and Forfeited Property
GO-602.01 |
6/20/2019 |
Automobile Searches and Inventories |
GO-603.01 |
12/23/1983 |
Requisitioning Supplies and Services |
GO-603.07 |
3/28/2024 |
Closed Circuit Television Cameras |
GO-701.01 |
12/31/2008 |
Courts and Hearings
GO-701.03 |
9/29/2010 |
Handling Assaults on Police Officers
GO-701.04 |
11/10/2011 |
Service of Civil Summons and Subpoenas Upon Members of the Department
GO-701.06 |
8/2/2005 |
Court Appearance Notifications
GO-702.01 |
10/18/2023 |
Arrest Warrants
GO-702-02 |
4/27/2023 |
Warrantless Searches |
GO-702.03 |
9/8/2022 |
Search Warrants
GO-800.02 |
12/26/2006 |
Incident Command System |
GO-801.01 |
1/14/2025 |
Crowd Management and Civil Unrest
GO-802.02 |
11/3/2006 |
Radiation Detection Program |
GO-802.04 |
6/1/2009 |
Hazardous Materials
GO-802.05 |
3/23/2007 |
Point of Distribution (POD) Program |
GO-802.06 |
08/19/2011 |
Suspicious Activity Reporting Program
GO-803.01 |
2/26/2025 |
Infectious Disease Prevention |
GO-803.02 |
3/6/2012 |
Snow Deployment Plan
GO-803.03 |
7/15/2004 |
Electrical Power Crisis |
GO-803.04 |
8/27/2003 |
Emergency Response Plan |
GO-803.05 |
1/27/2010 |
Emergency Traffic Posts |
GO-803.06 |
3/28/2024 |
Real Time Crime Center |
GO-803.07 |
6/24/2024 |
Tactical Air Support |
GO-803.08 |
8/1/2014 |
MPD Emergency Communications Operating Plan During Major System Failures (REDACTED) |
GO-803.09 |
6/24/2024 |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems |
GO-804.01 |
2/3/2011 |
Responding to Campus Incidents |
GO-805.02 |
4/26/2004 |
The Special Threat Action Team |
GO-805.04 |
4/21/2009 |
Bomb Threats and Explosive Devices
GO-805.05 |
2/15/2011 |
Barricade/Hostage Situations and Other Unusual Incidents
GO-806.01 |
1/6/2012 |
Reimbursable Details, Police Escorts, and Special Events |
GO-901.01 |
6/12/2008 |
Handling of Service Weapons
GO-901.02 |
7/17/1996 |
Wearing of Personal, Non-Issued Pistols and Holsters |
GO-901.04 |
3/28/2024 |
Less Lethal Weapons |
GO-901.07 |
3/28/2024 |
Use of Force
GO-901.10 |
10/7/2002 |
Carrying Weapons and Transporting Prisoners Aboard Aircraft |
GO-902.01 |
12/15/2023 |
Firearms Registration and Concealed Pistol Licenses
GO-902.02 |
9/8/2022 |
Gun Offender Registry (redacted) |