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Written Directives: General Orders

In order to help promote transparency, the MPD has posted policy statements issued by the Chief of Police (e.g., general orders, executive orders, and other directives) that are currently in effect for the department. As new and updated policies are published, they will be posted here. For additional information, the Policy and Standards Branch can be contacted in writing at 441 4th Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20001 or at [email protected].

Written Directives: General Orders

G.O. Number Date Title
GO-100.11 4/25/2006

Medical Services

GO-100.12 1/9/1998 Optional Sick Leave
GO 100.14 7/26/2018

Compliance with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act

GO-100.21 1/9/1998 Physical Examinations
GO-100.23 9/20/1982 Pre-Five Year Tenure Physical Examination
GO-100.24 9/11/2015 Drug Screening Program
GO-100.25 1/9/1998 Random Drug Screening Program



Directives System

GO-101.02 7/19/2017 Establishment of the Citizen Volunteer Corps
GO-101.03 10/18/2017

Organization, Authority and Rules of the MPD Reserve Corps

Related Order: EO-23-004
Retired Reserve Corps Members- Carrying Concealed Firearms


GO-101.04 1/29/2004 Member Critical Injury or Line of Duty Death Notifications
GO-101.05 9/14/2023 Ceremonial Honor Guard
GO-101.08 5/14/2021 Command Succession to Acting Chief of Police
GO-101.09 7/28/2011

Duties and Responsibilities of Sworn Officials

GO-101.10 3/10/2022 Organization of the Metropolitan Police Department
GO-101.12 3/13/2012

Senior Police Officers

GO-110.11 11/9/2023

Uniform, Equipment, and Appearance Standard

GO-120.13 5/25/2004 Employee Indebtedness
GO-120-20 7/23/2024 Administrative Investigations
GO-120.21 11/27/2022

Sworn Employee Discipline

GO-120.22 4/1/1977 Procedures for Handling Instances of Tardiness
GO-120.24 5/2/2010

Revocation/Restoration of Police Powers

GO-120.25 11/27/2022

Office of Police Complaints Investigation

GO-120.28 2/1/2019 Personnel Performance Management System (PPMS) and the Supervisory Support Program (SSP)
GO-201.01 9/15/2014 Non Uniformed Assignments
GO-201.03 8/10/1998 Grievance Procedures
GO-201.04 11/21/1980 Special Assignment Positions
GO-201.05 3/1/2001

Awards Policy

GO-201.06 9/5/2003

Sworn Personnel Service and Longevity Step Increases

GO-201.07 2/27/2018 Police Officer Probationary Period
GO-201.08 5/22/2009

Outside Training

GO-201.09 7/9/2024

Equal Employment Opportunity

GO-201.10 8/17/2023 Recruiting Referral Program
GO-201.11 11/23/1993 Transfers and Changes in Assignments
GO-201.12 6/14/2011 Legal Counsel for Employees
GO-201.13 2/27/2006 Photographing and Fingerprinting Employees of the Department
GO-201.15 12/4/1977 Retirement Program
GO-201.17 4/16/2004

Outside Employment

GO-201.18 11/23/1993 Detail Assignments
GO-201.19 11/23/2011 Employee Personnel Records
GO-201.20 12/30/2021

Performance Management and Development

GO-201.21 1/6/2005

Limitations on Work Hours

GO-201.22 3/5/2024 Telework and Alternative Work Schedules
GO-201.23 12/20/2006 Station Clerk Duties
GO-201.25 11/9/2023 Patrol Officer First Class
GO-201.26 4/6/2011

Code of Conduct

GO-201.27 5/3/2017

The Master Patrol Officer Program

GO-201.28 5/26/2023 Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program (MPEAP)
GO-201.29 03/19/2008 Police Officer Initial Training Program
GO-201.30 7/27/2001 Scheduling and Attendance of In-Service Training
GO-201.31 5/6/2001 Policing for Prevention: Use of High Visibility Patrol Tactics
GO-201.33 8/19/2016

Field Training Program

GO-203.01 8/19/2008 Use of the Twenty-Four Hour Time System and the Energy Policy Act of 2005
GO-203.02 10/7/2010 Displaying and Handling of the United States Flag
GO-204.01 4/13/2001 Media
GO-204.02 9/17/1991 Police Sponsored Community Programs and Services
GO-204.04 3/28/2024

Ride-Along Program

GO-204.05 11/16/2010 Freedom of Information
GO-204.06 6/13/2003 Victim/Witness Services
GO-205.02 12/9/1991 Forms Management and Printing Control Programs
GO-205.03 7/9/1978 Records Retention and Disposition
GO-206.01 11/5/1978

Time and Attendance

GO-206.02 8/5/2019 Granting Advanced Annual or Sick Leave or Leave without Pay
GO-207.01 4/30/1992 Clearance Procedures
GO-301.01 12/28/1979

Vehicle Operation and Maintenance

GO-301.02 10/15/2021 Patrol Special Mission Units
GO-301.03 7/20/2023

Vehicular Pursuits

GO-301.04 9/16/2010

Motor Vehicle Take Home Program

GO-301.05 12/15/2006

Off-Duty Use of Government-Owned or Leased Motor Vehicles

GO-301.07 9/13/2010 Use of Privately Owned Vehicles for Official Metropolitan Police Department Business
GO-301.09 11/12/2014

Police Bikes

GO-301.10 10/27/1980 Motorscooters
GO-301.11 7/9/2008 Operation and Use of Police Segways
GO-302.01 2/28/2023

Calls for Police Service

GO-302.02 10/26/2012 Radio Broadcasts and Look-Outs
GO-302.03 7/13/2022 Social Media
GO-302.05 10/27/1980 Radio Communications
GO-302.06 4/30/1992

The Washington Area Law Enforcement System (WALES)

GO-302.07 10/30/2023 BOLO Application Use and Management
GO-302.08 11/27/2013

Metropolitan Police Department Wide Area Network (MPDNet)

GO-302.09 3/21/2012 Use and Operation of Mobile Data Computers
GO-302.10 2/21/2007 Mobile Device Security
GO-302.11 10/17/2013 Telecommunications Devices
GO-302.12 3/28/2014 CJIS Security
GO-302.13 3/12/2024

Body-Worn Camera Program

GO-303.01 9/19/2023

Traffic Enforcement

GO-303.03 6/20/2019

Tow Crane Operation and Enforcement

GO-303.07 10/23/2020 Police Arrangements for Election Day and Early Voting
GO-303.09 10/28/2020 License Plate Reader Program
GO-304.01 10/11/1987

Operation and Management of Criminal Investigations

GO-304.02 6/4/2018 Welfare Checks
GO-304.03 11/1/2012 Missing Person Report
GO-304.04 7/12/2011

Interception of Wire and Oral Communications

GO-304.05 6/12/2003 Confidential Funds
GO-304.06 2/16/2016

Adult Sexual Assault Investigations

GO-304.07 4/18/2013

Procedures for Obtaining Pretrial Eyewitness Identification

GO-304.08 8/28/2023

Crime Scene Response and Evidence Collection

GO-304.09 5/18/2004 Truth Verification Devices


Field Contacts, Stops, and Protective Pat Downs

GO-304.11 3/28/2024

Intrafamily Offense

GO-304.12 8/16/2010 Confidential Sources, Confidential Informants, and Cooperating Witnesses
GO-304.13 4/30/2004 The Use of Photographs in Criminal Investigations
GO-304.14 11/27/2013

Interaction with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Person

GO-304.16 2/2/2006 Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations
GO-304.17 7/18/2008 Bait Car Program
GO-304.18 10/14/2020

Language Access Program

GO-304.19 7/19/2012 Video Recording, Photographing, and Audio Recording of Metropolitan Police Department Members by the Public
GO-304.20 3/12/2024 Civil Protection Orders and Criminal Restraining Orders
GO-305.01 9/1/2023

Interacting with Juveniles

GO-305.02 9/11/2020 Youth Bullying Prevention
GO-306.01 11/30/2023 Canine Program
GO-307.01 6/15/2015

Handling Drug Complaints and Investigations

GO-307.02 11/24/2021 Naloxone Program
GO-307.03 7/13/2022 Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
GO-307.04 3/12/2024 Drug Free Zones
GO-308.02 6/2/1980

Nuisances, Incidentals, Defects and PD Form 61D (Violation Citation)

GO-308.04 2/9/2015

Interacting with Mental Health Consumers

GO-308.07 9/28/1993 Private Security
GO-308.12 8/6/2013 Diplomats, Foreign Nationals and Resident Aliens


7/23/1979 Casual Clothes Units
GO-308.14 10/31/2011 Interactions with Homeless Persons


Reimbursable Details for ABC Establishments
GO-309.03 4/4/2006 Forcible Entries/Property Damage Caused by MPD Police Action
GO-309.05 3/2/2007 Handling Kidnapping/Extortion Cases
GO-309.06 11/18/2010

Child Abuse and Neglect

GO-310.01 3/7/2003 U.S. Capitol Police
GO-310.03 12/1/1971 Executive Protective Service
GO-310.04 8/30/2002 Mutual Aid Agreement


Metro Transit Police
GO-310.07 1/9/1998 Metropolitan Police Department's Functional Relationship with the District of Columbia Housing Authority Police Department
GO-310.08 5/2/2023

School-Based Incidents and Offenses

GO-401.01 7/19/2012

Field Reporting System

GO-401.02 10/31/2019


Crash Review Board CRB

GO-401.03 1/14/15 Traffic Crash Reports
GO-401.04 12/1/1971 Reporting Violations of the ABC Regulations and General License Law
GO-401.07 9/3/2004 Animal Complaints and Reporting Animal Bitings
GO-401.08 1/24/2020 Next of Kin Notifications
GO-401.10 7/22/2022 Telephone Reporting Unit Walk in Reporting System
GO-401.11 2/10/2012 Citizen Online Reporting System
GO-404.01 2/6/2004 Deposits with the DC Treasurer
GO-404.02 3/13/2012 Processing Reimbursable Details
GO-404.06 7/31/2002 Roll Call Training
GO-501.02 1/5/2015 Handling Interactions with Transgender Individuals
GO-501.03 11/3/2023 District of Columbia Stabilization Center
GO-501.04 1/30/2007 Conducting Police Business in Federal Government Buildings
GO-501.05 7/15/2004 Arrests of Armed Forces Personnel
GO-501.07 12/1/1971 Arrest Procedures by Members of Departments Other than the Metropolitan Police Department
GO-501.08 8/15/2005 Arrest of Escapees From the D.C. Department of Corrections
GO-502.01 3/28/2014

Transportation of Prisoners

GO-502.02 8/26/2015 Handling Cases Involving Persons Suspected of "Driving While Intoxicated (PerSe)" or "Operating While Under the Influence"
GO-502.04 4/24/2018

Pre-Arrest Diversion Pilot Program

GO-502.05 11/16/2021

Detention Journal

GO-502.06 3/29/2007

Citation Release Program

GO-502.07 4/1/2014

Medical Treatment and Hospitalization of Prisoners

GO-503.03 12/19/2005

List of Bond and Collateral Applicable in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

GO-503.04 3/7/1986 Procedures and Responsibilities for the Acceptance of Collateral and Cash Bond
GO-601.01 4/30/1992

Recording, Handling and Disposition of Property Coming into the Custody of the Department

GO-601.02 2/3/2004 Preservation of Potentially Discoverable Material
GO-601.03 Revised

Handling and Accounting for Seized and Forfeited Property

GO-602.01 6/20/2019 Automobile Searches and Inventories
GO-603.01 12/23/1983 Requisitioning Supplies and Services
GO-603.07 3/28/2024 Closed Circuit Television Cameras
GO-701.01 12/31/2008

Courts and Hearings

GO-701.03 9/29/2010

Handling Assaults on Police Officers

GO-701.04 11/10/2011

Service of Civil Summons and Subpoenas Upon Members of the Department

GO-701.06 8/2/2005

Court Appearance Notifications

GO-702.01 10/18/2023

Arrest Warrants

GO-702-02 4/27/2023 Warrantless Searches
GO-702.03 9/8/2022 Search Warrants
GO-800.02 12/26/2006 Incident Command System
GO-801.01 1/14/2025

Crowd Management and Civil Unrest

GO-802.02 11/3/2006 Radiation Detection Program
GO-802.04 6/1/2009

Hazardous Materials

GO-802.05 3/23/2007 Point of Distribution (POD) Program
GO-802.06 08/19/2011

Suspicious Activity Reporting Program

GO-803.01 2/26/2025 Infectious Disease Prevention
GO-803.02 3/6/2012

Snow Deployment Plan

GO-803.03 7/15/2004 Electrical Power Crisis
GO-803.04 8/27/2003 Emergency Response Plan
GO-803.05 1/27/2010 Emergency Traffic Posts
GO-803.06 3/28/2024 Real Time Crime Center
GO-803.07 6/24/2024 Tactical Air Support
GO-803.08 8/1/2014 MPD Emergency Communications Operating Plan During Major System Failures (REDACTED)
GO-803.09 6/24/2024 Unmanned Aircraft Systems
GO-804.01 2/3/2011 Responding to Campus Incidents
GO-805.02 4/26/2004 The Special Threat Action Team
GO-805.04 4/21/2009

Bomb Threats and Explosive Devices

GO-805.05 2/15/2011

Barricade/Hostage Situations and Other Unusual Incidents

GO-806.01 1/6/2012 Reimbursable Details, Police Escorts, and Special Events
GO-901.01 6/12/2008

Handling of Service Weapons

GO-901.02 7/17/1996 Wearing of Personal, Non-Issued Pistols and Holsters
GO-901.04 3/28/2024 Less Lethal Weapons
GO-901.07 3/28/2024

Use of Force

GO-901.10 10/7/2002 Carrying Weapons and Transporting Prisoners Aboard Aircraft
GO-902.01 12/15/2023

Firearms Registration and Concealed Pistol Licenses

GO-902.02 9/8/2022 Gun Offender Registry (redacted)